Group studying the bible


The Presbyterian Church is governed by a representative democracy, very similar to our U.S. government. The governing body of the church consists of the Staff, the Session, and a variety of teams. Our Session consists of our Senior Pastor, and the thirty Ruling Elders. The Ruling Elders are nominated by the Nomination Team and elected by the congregation. Ruling Elders are representatives for the people of the church, active in the teams, and oversee all work of the church. They work to ensure that the Word is preached and heard. They walk alongside the community members in their journey of faith. Our Clerks of Session are:  Jeanne Quinn and Charles Biddix.  Interested in learning more about the role of Session and the Ruling Elders?  Contact the office for more information.


The ministry of a deacon is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for those in need. Deacons are the caregivers of the congregation, serving people in many capacities. In a very tangible way, Deacons are the hands and heart of the Church in our ministry of caring. It is an opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship. As a deacon, you are given the opportunity to know other church members in a deep and meaningful way, serving alongside them and growing in your understanding of the struggles people go through and how Jesus walks alongside them. Interested in learning more about the role of a deacon?
Contact the office for more information.

Two men sharing a hug
Tina Biddix
Scott Brandon
Cari Brown
Ken Dewell
Dan Duvall
Ken Leach
Millie McNeil
Ragan Ormand
Jacque Richardson
Belinda Shearer
Dan Stuckey
Vernon White


Lois Bell
Judi Bombich
Haywood Brandon
Taylor Burr
Charlotte Crosby
Mary Lynn Duvall
Pam Fagan
Jill Fletcher
Elene Hertweck
Bonnie Morse
Judy White
Johnna Young