
Our sister church, Camajuani Reformed Presbyterian Church in Cuba, is eager to love, serve, and extend the mercy of God to the most vulnerable in their community.

If you are interested in learning more about Camujani and how Christ is working in Cuba, contact the office for more information.

Group gathered for bible study
white woman holding an African child's hand

Rockbridge Ministries

Rockbridge Ministries invests in the Kingdom development of Kenyan communities of faith through discipleship, empowerment, and mobilization.

If you are interested in learning more about Rockbridge Ministries and how Christ is working in Kenya, contact the office for more information.   

Check out Rockbridge Ministries online or on Facebook!

Possibilities Africa – Martin Simiyu

Possibilities Africa equips and partners with rural pastors in bringing holistic ministry to rural communities in Africa. They are working in 14 large communities throughout Kenya, and witness new hope, direction, enthusiasm, and excitement among people who had been hopeless and downcast.

For more information, click here: